Page name: Kriz' Piks [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-10-10 19:17:28
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2004-06-02 [Silver Bullet]: hehe!! i get to say something first!!!! where's all the pics???? hehe

2004-06-02 [Rizzie and Bump]: lol! YEAH!

2004-06-03 [Black Monkee Mutation]: not done yet, lol

2004-06-05 [Rizzie and Bump]: Well hurrrrry!!!!

2004-06-07 [Rr]: wow

2004-06-07 [Black Monkee Mutation]: xD i will Now :D

2004-06-07 [The Sexiest Sin]: put it!! You put it!!!! ok...ok...I arn't a liar....yet......

2004-06-07 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol screw u, xD

2004-06-08 [Cute face wit a chubby waist]: I like thoughs new ones!!!!!

2004-06-08 [Black Monkee Mutation]: Yeah , theyre kool arnt They :)

2004-06-08 [Little Insane Cat]: interesting....

2004-06-08 [Black Monkee Mutation]: thank u^^

2004-06-08 [Disconnect ..-Dots-..]: sexy!

2004-06-08 [Black Monkee Mutation]: Where Where?! <.< Where? >.> lol

2004-06-09 [beautiful _ darkness]: My a$$ hurts (sorry i had to say something could help myself) *huggs Kriz*

2004-06-09 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol want a lil Rubb? LOL

2004-06-09 [beautiful _ darkness]: lol your wierd krz and dont i get a hug back

2004-06-09 [Black Monkee Mutation]: ofcourse u do^^ *huggs back* *huggs Tight* *huggs again* ^^ pretty girls get 3 ;) lol :P

2004-06-09 [beautiful _ darkness]: yayness that means i most be really special and you know i aint pretty

2004-06-09 [Black Monkee Mutation]: u ARE special and u KNOW ur Pretty :) ur REALLY pretty :P *huggs again* that u are^^

2004-06-09 [beautiful _ darkness]: no im not and you know it and id rather not get in this fight again wat is this like the 50 some odd time that weve fought about this.... *huggs bak*

2004-06-09 [kai ri]: lol.uhm.but like.where the hell is your babybrother?

2004-06-10 [Cute face wit a chubby waist]: hey yall waz up!!!!!!!!!!! I am now a junior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-06-11 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol ok ok ok ok but ur pretty, anywayz, HELL WITH MY BRO :(, and Congrats^^

2004-06-11 [georges]: lol nice pics...

2004-06-11 [Fateless]: wonderful aren't they?! too bad he's mean when you get to know him

2004-06-11 [beautiful _ darkness]: lol... your brother is so cute thou kriz

2004-06-12 [Black Monkee Mutation]: I am NOT mean ......... Am i Mean? Anyone pls answer >.< lol

2004-06-12 [Fateless]: you were to me..... i'm sad! my best friend left yesterday and she didn't even call me!!

2004-06-12 [Black Monkee Mutation]: i wasnt mean,

2004-06-12 [Fateless]: you were a couple weeks ago!! oh well, i'm over it, you said your stuff i said mine!

2004-06-12 [Black Monkee Mutation]: nope, the other way around, YOU said ur stuff , THEN i said mine^^ lol

2004-06-12 [Fateless]: whatever.... same difference......I'M OVER IT!!! BEEN UP IT, DOWN IT, ALL OVER IT! IT'S DONE!!!

2004-06-12 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol ok ok ok ok ok^^

2004-06-12 [Fateless]: hehe, ok!! chocolate!! is!!!! goooddd!!!! mmm-mmm goooooooood!!

2004-06-12 [Black Monkee Mutation]: yesh it is^^ RIDDICK KICKS ASS

2004-06-12 [Fateless]: i haven't seen it yet..... my friends say i need to see Pitch Black? before i see Riddick.

2004-06-12 [Black Monkee Mutation]: u dont NEED to, lol, but yeah u should :D

2004-06-12 [Fateless]: ooh ok!! well then.... i should see pitch black 1st then riddick, but i haven't heard of pitch black until some people started to talk about it!! why is that?

2004-06-12 [Black Monkee Mutation]: u suck then, lol

2004-06-12 [Kitten Leath Feral]: You are too cute.

2004-06-12 [Fateless]: well thanx!!! you suck too!! who's cute? me? i know it and so do you!! hehe!!

2004-06-12 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol who's cute^^

2004-06-12 [Fateless]: me!!!!!! dun dun dun duuuuuun!!! meeee!!!! weeee!!!! heeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! lol, omg, i'm sooo hyper!!

2004-06-12 [Black Monkee Mutation]: uhhhhh.....did ur mom let you fall when u were a baby?

2004-06-12 [Cute Deranged Psycho]: HEY! I love all your pics sweety they are gorgeous!

2004-06-12 [Cute Deranged Psycho]: and your not mean like thoes poeple said... except that one time yesterday...

2004-06-12 [Black Monkee Mutation]: LOL thx, and hey i was making a JOKE >.< sorry u.u

2004-06-12 [Cute Deranged Psycho]: it wasn't a very funny joke *cries* oh well I'm over it

2004-06-12 [Fateless]: hehe! i told you kriz!!! and no not my was my dad!! hehe, you know how guys are!! not very careful w/ precious objects!! hehe, jk!!

2004-06-12 [Black Monkee Mutation]: im sorry Liz, and lol i knew it Fateless

2004-06-12 [Fateless]: riiiight!! but what if....what if.....oh damn!!

2004-06-12 [Black Monkee Mutation]: what is what

2004-06-12 [Fateless]: i don't know!! actually it was probably one of my bro's that dropped me!! well, i did have jondas and i was in the hospital for a long time after i was born..... so yea!! hehe!!

2004-06-12 [Black Monkee Mutation]: x.x

2004-06-12 [Fateless]: shut up!! jeeepers crreeeepers ssoooo scary sometimes!! gahhhh!!!!

2004-06-12 [Black Monkee Mutation]: ...? O_o

2004-06-12 [Fateless]: a movie....scary...but only cuz i'm tired!

2004-06-13 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol i know its a movie, and it aint scary, lol

2004-06-13 [Fateless]: i know, but today has been really wierd and i scream just for fun!!! it scares my brother!!! lol, he's stupid!!!!!!

2004-06-13 [Black Monkee Mutation]: HE is? LOL

2004-06-13 [Fateless]: yea, he's a pussy!! hehe, no, my other brothers were mean to him and so he's scared easily!! i'm not!!!! hehe wierd huh?

2004-06-13 [Black Monkee Mutation]: ur not , but ur scared of Jeepers creepers.......aha, x.x

2004-06-13 [Fateless]: no, i just like to scream!!!!! it's true!! it's something my dad tought me!!! it really does scare other people!! you know in the middle of a very dramatic scene and then AAAAAAAHHHHHH!! it really gets a reaction!!

2004-06-13 [Black Monkee Mutation]: yeah like a punch in ur face or a kick in ur ass, lol

2004-06-13 [Fateless]: yeah....just like it.......kinda!!!! more like a heart attack!!! its fun, you should try it!!!

2004-06-13 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol shure, i have xD only not on those stupid movie cuz u know, i dont see them, lol

2004-06-13 [Fateless]: oooh well, yea that's right!! you only have a little bro? see i have 3 older ones and like 20 unofficially adopted ones!!!

2004-06-13 [Black Monkee Mutation]: ...kool, but my lil bro counts like 27 and my Older sis counts like 89

2004-06-13 [Fateless]: uh huh...... but they haven't been around you your entire life!!! these guys i've known since i was.....BORN!!!! omg they're old!!!

2004-06-13 [Black Monkee Mutation]: bros havnt been with me my entire life?

2004-06-13 [Fateless]: how old were you when he was born?!?!?!

2004-06-13 [Black Monkee Mutation]: like 10 or 9, but my sis has always been there fuking my life

2004-06-13 [Fateless]: well duuuh!! but, i've been around these guys my entire life!!! i'm the youngest in my family, and yeah!!

2004-06-14 [Black Monkee Mutation]: oh well

2004-06-14 [Fateless]: hmmmmm i'm bored......oh i saw pitch black! i loved it but my mom said that he said fuck too much!!! i thought it was great!!

2004-06-14 [Rizzie and Bump]: *drools* looks so much like Rick... so very much... *runs to marry rick*

2004-06-14 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol, uhh who's Rick and who looks like Rick?

2004-06-14 [Rizzie and Bump]: You look like rick, and rck is a guy i've been major crushing on since i met him...

2004-06-14 [Black Monkee Mutation]: oh...KOOl, lol so is he Cute?

2004-06-14 [Rizzie and Bump]: Very much so! ^_^

2004-06-14 [Fateless]: guys are funny!!!

2004-06-14 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol so Im cute then?! KOOL

2004-06-15 [Rizzie and Bump]: Yesh you are ^_^

2004-06-15 [Fateless]: hehe!! duuuuh!!!!!

2004-06-15 [Rizzie and Bump]: i know! lol, i think that's blatently obvious anyways...

2004-06-15 [Fateless]: .....i should say 'duh' again, but that doesn't seem to fit.........i can't think of another word.........

2004-06-15 [Rizzie and Bump]: Umm... hows about "yuh". that gets me out of many situations.

2004-06-15 [Fateless]: oooho ok...hmmm..................yuh

2004-06-15 [Black Monkee Mutation]: LOL wow thanks^^ xD ur both blind on one eye ^^

2004-06-15 [Rizzie and Bump]: Nope! I got perfect vision. my thingy... eye-doctor... umm... opti-something told me!

2004-06-15 [Black Monkee Mutation]: Lol ok then^^ wel thx :P

2004-06-15 [Rizzie and Bump]: sorry, it's getting late. i'm tired, but i'm too tired to move to my bed.

2004-06-15 [Black Monkee Mutation]: what time is it there?

2004-06-15 [Rizzie and Bump]: ummm... pretty darn early compared to 5am.

2004-06-15 [Black Monkee Mutation]: huh? yep ur brain is dead allright >.<

2004-06-16 [Black Monkee Mutation]: AHHH PHOTOBUCKET FUKED UP!!!!!!! >.<

2004-06-16 [Rizzie and Bump]: Umm... not good.

2004-06-16 [Black Monkee Mutation]: it WORKS NOW!:D

2004-06-16 [Rizzie and Bump]: YAY! ^^ new pic!

2004-06-16 [Black Monkee Mutation]: where where?

2004-06-17 [Fateless]: wow i missed alot!

2004-06-17 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol not really, only us 3 talk here , lol

2004-06-17 [brandi_080786]: Those are really good pics.

2004-06-17 [Black Monkee Mutation]: Thanks :P

2004-06-17 [Black Monkee Mutation]: LOL thats quite an attractive and pretty pic u have in ur house Magnificent Clydesdale

2004-06-17 [georges]: ahaha nice pictures

2004-06-17 [Black Monkee Mutation]: Thx^^ :P

2004-06-17 [georges]: aha is the first .one Iike a shaving cream fight?

2004-06-17 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol no was my birthday xD they covered me with shaving cream, actually i as clean or that picture, lol i looked like a human Qtip, xP

2004-06-17 [Rizzie and Bump]: lol, that reminds me... i shoulda got a photo of when Johnny (my "brother") did my make-up... it was funny. He put lipstick up my nose...

2004-06-17 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol how old is he?

2004-06-18 [georges]: ahaha

2004-06-18 [Rizzie and Bump]: Johnny? he's sixteen. he's not really my brother, he's one of my closest friends. Heh. we're so immature ^_^

2004-06-19 [NekoLynn]: nice pictures! i like how you have the lights how they look like your holding them

2004-06-19 [Black Monkee Mutation]: Thanks Neko^^ yeah looks kool dosnt it xD thats what happens when ur bored :P

2004-06-20 [Fateless]: you know what....campins is NOT fun when you have no interenet!!!!

2004-06-20 [Black Monkee Mutation]: i know i know >.<

2004-06-20 [DissimulatedOne]: -Drool- Very nice pictures! Love the second one!

2004-06-21 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol yeah th epictures are kool, but the THINGY on them its what makes them weird, if that guy wasnt there those would be some NICE PICS , lol xD

2004-06-21 [Fateless]: i have no more camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yaya!! well, for 4 weeks....poop!

2004-06-21 [DissimulatedOne]: Shut up Kriz! We all know you are sexy! DUH!

2004-06-21 [Black Monkee Mutation]: LOL, well if u say so, thanks^^

2004-06-22 [DissimulatedOne]: Anytime. Love ya Kriz! And you know that!

2004-06-22 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol i do? wow i feel special xD

2004-06-22 [dendrite.]: *drools at the pics* oh im sorry *closes her mouth* ahaha o.o

2004-06-22 [Black Monkee Mutation]: Lol, i think u were looking at some other ones, u have to look at This ones , u wont drool believe me

2004-06-22 [dendrite.]: yes i do drool ur a sexy mother ummm O_o ur cute *laughs nervously* aha...ha...ahem..

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